MDA Testing

MDA testing is required by OSHA


OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has stated that occupations be tested for MDA.  As with any potential toxin, there are methodologies and regulations which are to be followed in order to get an accurate reading of any MDA which may be in building or workplace. To understand the importance of having MDA testing (apart from the legal side) it is important to understand MDA and its potential effects.

What is MDA?

MDA stands for methylenedianiline , specifically the 4,4 version of it. From just looking at the word you can see that it is a form of a meth. 4,4 MDA has been classified in a toxin category as it contains carcinogenic elements. In simple terms: 4,4 MDA has substances within it that cause cancer in humans. This has been tested and proven by both OSHA and the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Other companies have provided independent studies with the same results, MDAs are toxins. Because of its cancerous nature, OSHA has made it a requirement to test for MDA in occupational spaces.

How do most humans get MDA into their systems?

MDA can be transferred to humans through dust in the environment. In the working industry MDA is part of the process to make polyurethanes. Furthermore, MDA is used as a primary hardener for epoxy resins and some polymers. It is also present in some adhesives.  MDAs can be transferred to other items indirectly. Most commonly, the MDA flakes are transferred within an occupancy from one department to another.

Much like other hazardous chemicals MDA powders can be aggravated and inhaled into the system. However, this is not the only known way that people are exposed to MDA. Most of the time methylenedianiline is found within drinking water and in fish. Consumption of contaminated water or fish would result in MDA contaimination.


There are various levels of the effects of MDA. Much is due to the exposure and duration of exposure. Yet, there is much that is unknown about the level of damage that can occur from being exposed to methylenedianilines. Information can only be acquired as the facts come to light. There are no “test” subjects for MDAs. It has been hypothesized that exposure can effect breathing, reproduction, and circulation. Where the exact effects have not been determined in depth, there has been extensive research which has shown that the increase in deficiencies in these areas is directly tied to the duration and amount of exposure to the MDAs.  Because MDAs are carcinogenic OSHA is very strict as to the levels of MDA which are “acceptable” to an occupational space.

Low exposure to MDA has been known to cause skin sensitivity. There is not a great deal of information about how much exposure is needed. However, it has been shown that those which work around MDA have had greater skin sensitivity than those that do not.

Prolonged inhalation exposure has been shown to cause problems with the liver. In some studies it was shown that inhalation of MDAs over time cause cancerous cells in the liver and other organs.


As required by OSHA, MDA testing should be conducted on all occupancies. If MDA is found then measures can be taken to reduce the amount of MDA. Typically, MDA will not be found in high levels in general occupations, and as of this publication MDAs are not present in the general populace (though there have been a few suggestions of how exposure to MDAs may enter into the general populace such as through drinking water or fish). This means that most businesses will not have to worry about being exposed, you will just need to get the all clear on the inspection.

Industries that work in chemical mixtures, polymers, polyurethanes, and proxies are more than likely to have MDAs present. If methylenedianilines are present in your inspection, then it is recommended that you take measures to reduce the amount of exposure to the MDAs to as low as possible. Apart from cleaning the contaminated area, MDA reductions can be accomplished by hiring a professional. Due to its carcinogenic nature, MDAs must be “cleaned” or removed by licensed professionals.

Getting your MDA testing offers MDA testing. Following the practices and procedures as laid out by OSHA, we conduct an in depth inspection of your occupancy to give you the most accurate information concerning the levels (if any) of methylenedianilines present. Our team will provide you with a detailed report showing you the risk assessment level. From this you can determine the potential hazards as well as take steps to ensure that you meet the requirements of OSHA regarding MDA.

If you have any questions about MDA testing as required by OSHA or to inquire about any of the services which Capstoneinspections offers please contact us.

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